Alpha Express tracks the value of research recommendations and allows you to see which analysts and sales-traders had the most market impact on your portfolio.
Access reports, notes and trading ideas from top performing brokers and research providers. Customize algorithms and benchmarks to suit the way you extract value from the research you consume. Glean insight from data visualization tools to see performance trends for different market conditions. Manage your information risk and identify the core competencies of your research suppliers with drill-down level analysis. More |
Alpha Express provides a customizable performance analysis system to identify, evaluate and unlock the hidden value of internal research ideas.
Vote Express gives users a broker evaluation and event management tool.
Flexible client-defined criteria makes it easy to customize category weightings s by team or strategy. Streamlined design simplifies the voting process while providing a comprehensive evaluation of all service levels. Email alerts for monitoring and evaluation enables improved management for your votes and commission flow. Tracking and reporting scorecards offer graphics for internal management or broker feedback. More |
CSA Express the most customizable, sophisticated system on the market enabling you to track your CSA commissions at the business unit, fund or portfolio manager levels.
Commission management solution designed to help clients to track and generate reports on execution and research commissions. System assists in reconciling and tracking CSA/CCA eligible and non-eligible trades and commissions based on client-defined rules. Generates customized commission reports by region, broker, portfolio manager or other data pointsbased on your preferences and reporting requirements. More |
Commission Tracker serves as an execution and research commission reconciliation and reporting module for the sell-side.
Commission management solution for the sell-side designed to help brokers to track and generate reports on execution and research commissions for it's CSA clients. System assists in reconciling and tracking CSA/CCA eligible and non-eligible trades and commissions based on broker-defined rules. Generates customized commission reports by region, client, portfolio manager or other data points based on your preferences and reporting requirements. More |
Recon Express set best practice by creating threshold’s to identify CSA mismatches with brokers. Provide access to brokers two way day-to-day CSA reconscilation fulfilling regulatory requirements.
Broker independent and conflict-free third-party aggregates and matches buy-side trades against broker trades. Multibroker capability makes it convenient to capture and reconcile the necessary datapoints from all parties involved in one centralized system. Streamlined single point of access for trade matching and exception reporting allows for easy identification of potential discrepancies. Integration with Investars Insight, Pay Express and Commission Tracker modules allows clients to seamlessly integrate their commission reconciliation and payment processes into a single web-based system. More |
Recon Express offers a fully-customizable and streamlined commission reconciliation tool that allows brokers to automatically match and reconcile trades and commissions with their CSA clients.
Broker independent and conflict-free third-party software tool, that aggregates and matches buy-side trades against broker trades. Multi-client capability makes it convenient to capture and reconcile the necessary datapoints from all parties involved in one centralized system. Streamlined single point of access for trade matching and exception reporting allows for easy identification of potential discrepancies. Integration with Investars Insight, Pay Express and Commission Tracker modules allows brokers to seamlessly integrate their commission reconciliation and payment processes into a single web-based system and offer to their CSA clients. More |
Pay Express vew balances with different CSA brokers and send payment instructions for CSA payments to third party research providers and data suppliers at the business entity, fund or portfolio manager level. Handles both soft dollar invoices and CSA payments.
Allows for the sending of payments from your commission sharing (CSA) accounts to your brokers and research providers. Serves as one central portal for portfolio managers, business managers, research providers and CSA brokers for placement of instructions and monitoring of CSA payments for research. Seamless commission payment system enables sending commission payment instructions to multiple brokers from one interface. More |
Pay Express offers CSA/CCA payment processing and commission reporting.
Brokers can enable their CSA clients to make payments from commission sharing (CSA) accounts to research providers for CSA balances accrued. Keeps track of execution and research commission in one central information hub. Seamless commission payment system enables sending commission payment instructions from one interface to multiple recipients. Integrated commission tracking module provides a comprehensive tracking, reporting and payment solution. More |
1NVESTARS 2711 NASD assists research firms with the compliance of research-related regulations.
Many NASD 2711 requirements of and corresponding SEC and NYSE regulations have been based on products first brought to the market by Investars including our investars Rating Plotter Charts. Investars has since leveraged its platform to provide more than 25 broker dealers with cost offective tools in an easy web-based platform. The Rating Plotters, which discloses the historical ratings and price targets relative to the stock price chart, can be automatically generated and included in research reports at the click of a button. The toolset includes other compliance-related graphics. This is a great cost-effective third party compliance solution for sell-side and independent research providers. More |